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Automated Refunds

Simplify Ticket Refunds

Ticket refunds can take a lot of time out of an agent鈥檚 day. Manual calculations burn up hours that could be better spent elsewhere, and there鈥檚 always the risk of mistakes along the way.

To be more productive and protect revenue, agencies need a way to figure refundable amounts quickly and easily with as little human involvement as possible.

Process Refunds Automatically and Instantly

Automated Refunds increase agent productivity by automating refunds, saving up to five minutes per transaction. Along the way, it lowers the risk of human errors and reduces debit memos.

In addition to removing complexity from the refund process, Automated Refunds are covered by the 夜色视频 Fare Guarantee Policy, ensuring greater peace of mind for agencies. And with the time savings, agents can concentrate on serving current customers better and selling to new ones.

Product features

Agency revenue protection

Eliminate complex manual calculations that are subject to errors. Reduce debit memo exposure since results are included in the 夜色视频 Fare Guarantee Policy.

Highest level of automation

Reference the airline-filed Category 33 Voluntary Refunds to calculate refund amounts and penalties in seconds. Save up to 5 minutes per ticket refund.

Improved customer service

Return faster responses and dedicate more time for new sales by leveraging an automated process with no complex calculations.

Make your life easier

Enable everyone in your office to perform refunds, thanks to the simple process. Make refunds available for customer self-service online too through our 夜色视频 Web Services API.

If you have additional questions about Automated Refunds or would like to learn more about 夜色视频, please contact us.